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Rampart Roofing’s Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring Cleaning for Your Roof

Spring is here! This is the perfect time to think about home maintenance and spring cleaning. These roof spring cleaning tips will help you protect your home and uphold the longevity of your roof.

  1. Trim branches away from your roof. Overhanging tree branches can scrape against your roof. Consequently, this can damage asphalt shingles by causing the granules to fall off. Once the granules fall off, the exposed asphalt underneath will rapidly deteriorate under the sun, leading to roof leaks later on. Additionally, twigs and leaves from encroaching branches can block your home’s gutters. 
  2. Inspect the attic. Be sure to check out your attic. If you notice any stains or beams of light poking through, it is likely that there is a hole in your roof. Also, check for mold buildup or the scent of mildew, which can be indicative of a roof leak. If any of these telltale signs of a leaky roof are present, call a professional. An experienced roofer can locate the source of the leak and repair the roof.  
  3. Remove debris. Large amounts of debris buildup on your roof can impede the flow of water. In some unusual circumstances, if you have a large amount of debris on your roof, water can be forced into an area of the roof that wouldn’t normally be vulnerable. If you can safely access your roof, we recommend clearing debris away. However, it is important to keep in mind that just having a few sticks or leaves on your roof is completely normal. 
  4. Clean your gutters. If you do not have gutter guards, leaves, twigs, and pine needles can accumulate in your gutters and cause blockage. Again, if you can safely access your roof, visually inspect the inside of your gutters. Make sure your gutters are clear before the spring rains begin so they can do their job. Blocked gutters can lead to leaks and damage.
  5. Check for damaged shingles, metal flashings, and pipe flashings. If you notice any missing or damaged shingles or tiles, have a professional replace them immediately. Missing or damaged shingles, or tiles on a tile roof, can expose your home to roof leaks and water damage.  Also, take a look at your roof and pipe flashings. Roof flashing protects your home from water damage by diverting water from certain areas of the roof. If damaged, water can get into areas that would not normally be susceptible to leaks. Pipe flashings are more likely to crack and erode due to age and can cause roofing leaks as well.  If you notice anything unusual, it is best to call a professional roofer for repairs.

Spring is an ideal time to have your roof inspected. Especially after winter, when your roof may become damaged due to ice buildup or exposure to harsh weather conditions. We recommend scheduling a professional roofing assessment so your roofer can detect and repair any damages. This will ensure that your roof well-maintained and ready for the year ahead. Regular roof maintenance will keep your roof watertight for years to come.